Copyright 2025 - Capnetix, LLC

System Architecture

Based on a systems evaluation, executives now have a clear view of all the systems in their plant and understand the importance of having them work together to meet business objectives.  Based on the system evaluation and executives clear definition of their objectives, Capnetix can build both a picture of a more streamlined systems architecture, and a practical plan for optimizing information in the plant to meet business objectives.

These architectural and systems recommendations are customized to the specifics of your internal manufacturing processes, quality, cost and plant throughput objectives.

Capnetix is technology agnostic.  We work with a variety of ERP, MES or other software vendors to create the proper information base to optimize manufacturing.  Capneitix is size agnostic.  We can work with small shops with basic, straightforward requirements or large operations with complex and multi-layered requirements.

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